When dealing with any kind of technology, stuff happens. Websites break. Sometimes it’s not even anyone’s fault. Things just don’t always work the way they’re supposed to.
WordPress is no different. Whether it’s due to a failed update, a website that got out of date over time, stale CSS or Javascript, a hacked web server, a plugin incompatibility, a database error, a redirect loop, or a wide variety of other things that can go wrong with WordPress, all of these can result in one thing, a website that is unusable for your visitors. This is obviously bad for business.
We’ve seen our fair share of these situations over the years. Some can be fixed quickly. Others take a little longer. But there is one thing that is exactly the same with all of them.
Before anything can be fixed, you have to figure out what the problem is in the first place.
Our WordPress Rescue service is designed to offer those who are in trouble a partnership with Louisville Web Nerds to get your website back up and running for a predictable and flat rate.
You won’t be charged an additional hourly fee, and if we can’t help you quickly, we’ll let you know and won’t charge you a thing until we agree on a solution.
The price for this service is a flat $499.
We can typically help you in 24 hours or less. We’ll either require your admin details or we can try to walk you through troubleshooting your issue using screen share software.
Additionally, if you would like to sign up for one of our monthly support options, we’ll cover you under that plan as well.
To get started, contact us using the button below or fill out the form. We recommend a phone call or text message for emergency situations.